Thursday, 14 April 2022

Kumara Harvest

Last year Akomanga 16 planted a kumara tipu in the kitchen garden. We tended it, fertilised it and waited for it to grow. This week we were able to Harvest the grown tipu and got four lovely kumara from it. This morning the learners of Akomanga 16 will get to taste what their kumara is like. Look at that amazing colour! What else can you think of that is such a vibrant purple colour in nature?


  1. Wow Room 16 these Kumara are incredible! Such a beautiful purple, I bet they would tastes amazing.
    Riley And Eliza

  2. Wow did you grow those? They look amazing I love all the different shape's and sizes and the dark colour when you cut it open. Isabel rm 11


Strike percussion

This week learners were treated to a performance by Strike Percussion. They learnt about percussion and what it means as well as different t...